Boom turismo outdoor, 39 milioni di presenze

Pedalare su una strada in Toscana, correre in un parco a Milano o nella Venice Night Trail, fare rafting alla cascata delle Marmore, sfidarsi a beach soccer a Ostia. E poi le tantissime discipline emergenti: dai corsi Survival alla Zip Lining, dall’Hydrospeed all’Hidrofly, dal Bubble Football all’Agility Dog. Continue Reading

An Insider’s Guide to Venice on a Budget

Canals, gondolas, dream-like palaces, romantic little piazzas—and not a car in sight. Venice is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Italy. And despite the city’s expensive reputation, there are several ways to keep your budget under control while you’re visiting. To me, it’s not merely about saving money. Continue Reading

Luxury Travel is Becoming More Accessible in Greece

For travel agents trying to book clients on luxury trips to Greece, the options aren’t as bountiful as you might expect in other popular European destinations.

In a recent report, Hospitality Valuation Systems (HVS) noted how luxury lodging is not easily defined in Greece due to a “lack of a reliable classification system.” At of the end of 2015, there were 9,757 hotels throughout the country, but only 16 percent of total hotel room supply was classified as five-star. (Reliable data for villas and similar alternative lodging are less readily found.) Continue Reading

Asiana Airlines lancia il nuovo volo diretto da Venezia a Seoul

Si è tenuta martedì 1° maggio, presso l’Aeroporto Marco Polo di Venezia, la cerimonia per celebrare l’apertura della rotta Venezia –Seoul Incheon, a cui hanno partecipato il CEO di Asiana Airlines Kim Soo Cheon, il Presidente del Gruppo SAVE Enrico Marchi e l’Ambasciatore della Corea del Sud in Italia Jong Hyun Choi. Al suo arrivo, l’aeromobile è stato accolto con il tradizionale saluto dell’Angelo d’Acqua.
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Gardaland e Progetto Yeah: al via Easy Rider

Gardaland introduce un’iniziativa davvero unica ed esclusiva rivolta a persone con difficoltà motorie, sensoriali e cognitive, per condurle alla scoperta del Parco con un itinerario personalizzato.

Insieme a ProgettoYeah! Gardaland ha creato Easy Rider, un servizio studiato appositamente per garantire il divertimento all’interno del Parco anche alle persone con disabilità come, ad esempio, Ospiti con limitazioni visive, ridotta mobilità, autismo, sindrome di down. Continue Reading

How to make the most of a flight delay

“Delayed”. No one wants to see that dreaded red text appear on the monitors above the airport gate. But, unfortunately, flight delays are inevitable, unavoidable and out of your control. And as frustrating as they can be, there are some options you can take to make the experience a bit less stressful.

Here’s what you can do if your flight is delayed.
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